Reduce Stress with 30% Slow Mo

If you're experiencing chronic stress or had a burnout or are close to a burnout, you are doing everything too fast. Reduce Stress with 30% Slow Mo

Stress and burnout help Eric Mahleb Berlin Praxis
Stress and burnout help Eric Mahleb Berlin Praxis

Reduce Stress with 30% Slow Mo.

Hi everyone welcome back to Burnout Help, stress and burnout first aid.

Today I’m in London taking a bit of time off with my kids and I would like to remind you about the importance of slowing down.

Chances are if you’re experiencing chronic stress or had a burnout or are close to a burnout, you are doing things too fast. You’re living too fast, you’re thinking too fast, you’re eating too fast, everything is too fast.

Force yourself to slow down. Go 30% more slowly with everything, when you’re cooking, when you’re going somewhere, when you’re walking, when you’re thinking, when you’re talking…

Do everything 30% more slowly. Create a version of you that is in slow motion.

It sounds funny and it is actually very hard to do. But it is very effective.

Try it! 30% slow mo: do everything more slowly and your nervous system will thank you.

Take care.

Original article published here:

More stress management and burnout prevention and recovery information, tools and methods at

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