This method – Havening – can help you relieve stress quickly

Havening is a simple technique that can help you relieve stress and interrupts your stress reaction. It brings you comfort and safety and allows you to re-connect with the present moment.

Eric Mahleb shows Havening to relieve stress and manage burnout
Eric Mahleb shows Havening to relieve stress and manage burnout

Havening is a simple technique that can help you relieve stress and interrupts your stress reaction. It brings you comfort and safety and allows you to re-connect with the present moment.

It is useful for stress management and burnout prevention and recovery.

Original article posted here:

More stress management and burnout prevention and recovery information, tools and methods at

Weitere Informationen, Tools und Methoden zur Stressbewältigung, Burnout Prävention und Behandlung unter


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